Frequently asked Questions
Top questions and answers
What is Soul Maté?
Soul Maté is a naturally energizing and refreshing carbonated maté drink.
What is maté?
Maté is a drink made from the dried leaves of the yerba mate tree.
Why is Soul Maté a better alternative to other energy drinks?
We believe that natural energy is the future. Normal energy drinks are full of artificial ingredients and therefore not healthy for you.
Which antioxidants or minerals does Soul Maté contain?
Soul Maté contains vitamin C, zinc and magnesium.
How much caffeine does Soul Maté contain?
Soul Maté contains 32 mg caffeine per 100 ml.
Is Soul Maté suitable for everyone?
Because Soul Maté contains caffeine it is not recommended for consumption by children, during pregnancy or while nursing.
How many cans of Soul Maté can be consumed per day?
The recommended daily consumption is no more than 3 cans per day.
Does Soul Maté contain artificial sweeteners?
Soul Maté does not contain any artificial sweeteners. Our products are 100% naturally sweetened by fruits.
How did Soul Maté originate?
Soul Maté was created in Finland. Read more here.